Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Внедрения продукта 'Comindware Business Application Platform'

Технология: BPM

Отрасль: Государственные и социальные структуры

Запрос: список проектов

1. Southwest Key Programs (Comindware Business Application Platform) (2021/9/12)

2. Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Comindware Business Application Platform) (2020/5/12)

3. State of Wyoming (Comindware Business Application Platform) (2020/2/12)

4. CURE International (Comindware Business Application Platform) (2020/2/12)

5. Institute for Building Technology and Safety (Comindware Business Application Platform) (2019/9/12)

6. United Site services (Comindware Business Application Platform) (2019/5/12)

7. МИД России (Comindware Business Application Platform) (2018/9/12)

8. Федеральное агентство водных ресурсов России (Росводресурсы)(Comindware Business Application Platform)